Monday, October 15, 2012

Week of October 15

This week, we will be talking all about the characteristics of the four seasons.  There are so many fun things to do outside in the fall!
-Take a fall nature walk with your child and collect fall leaves, acorns, rocks, and anything else your learner might find along the way.  Have your child sort and count the objects they found when you return home.
-Ask your child questions about their five sense during your walk.  What do the leaves feel like when you step on them or touch them?  What does a leaf sound like when you crinkle it next to your ear?  How does the bottom part of an acorn feel different than the top part?  What does the wind feel like when it brushes against your hair or face?

We will be reviewing our Word Wall Words this week.  You can review these words at home with your child by having them practice writing them and reading them with you.
In the book coming home in your child's yellow folder today, they will be able to practice reading these number words.

Don't forget that our Fall Walk is this Wednesday!  Please have your child dress in comfortable clothes, especially shoes.

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